In recent years, stop-motion animation has acquired greater relevance thanks to films like “Pinocchio” that has won multiple awards at this year’s Academy Awards. In this article we will talk a little more about the stop-motion animation technique, as well as of some of the emerging talents in this field, such as Olmo Cuarón.
This technique consists of creating the illusion of movement with a sequence of photographs of physical objects that move slightly in every frame. The film “Pinocchio,” directed by Guillermo del Toro won the Oscar for “Best Animated Film” in the most recent Academy Awards Ceremony and it was precisely created in its totality in stop motion. Every take must be accurate and carefully planned to give every sequence a natural effect.
Another renowned Mexican filmmaker that attended the Oscar Awards Ceremony this year was Alfonso Cuarón who was accompanied by his children Tess Bu and Olmo Cuarón who have already assisted to this ceremony before. This filmmaker was hoping to receive the award for “Best Short Film” for his production “Le Pupille,” and although it did not win, his children are still enormously proud of their father and are following his footsteps, especially his youngest son Olmo Teodoro Cuarón. Remember that Cuarón won the Oscar in 2014 for his movie “Gravity” for the categories “Best Movie” and “Best Director”. But the most important award he obtained was with his work in “Roma” in 2019 with which he won the Oscar for “Best Director”, “Best Photography” and “Best Foreign Film”.
New Talents in the Stop-Motion Technique for Animation
The stop-motion technique has been used by other emerging talents in the filmmaking arena, such as Olmo Cuarón, son of the renowned filmmaker Alfonso Cuarón. Olmo has shown great interest in filmmaking from an early age and has shared his animations through his YouTube channel since he was 11 years old. At the youthful age of eighteen, he is experimenting with different filming techniques to learn more and to create stop-motion videos besides being interested in the production and creation of short films.
In conclusion, the stop-motion animation has acquired more relevance in recent years and has been used by filmmakers such as Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón, as well as by new talents such as Olmo Cuarón. This technique requires a lot of patience and skills, but the result can be impressive and magical. I would like to invite you to experiment with different techniques and let your imagination fly.